About DÉJÀ-FIT Lifestyle Fitness Blog

DÉJÀ-FIT, Lifestyle Fitness Coaching Blog is published weekly to address the issues which effect women in their daily lives.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Creative Writing and Coaching

Writing is an excellent way to bring forth healing, i.e. the use of metaphors, poetry, and journaling. I have always utilized writing with my clients and have found it to be an extremely enlightening experience not only for the women who attend my coaching sessions but for myself as well.

By expressing your feelings and thoughts on paper, you truly begin the process of solidifying what you are experiencing at that moment; it brings what is on the inside to life. For example, the use of personal journals with my clients is highly recommended because it allows them to actually see their progress or short-comings from session to session. It provides another way of participating in their treatment.

A recent client wanted a more creative approach to her coaching sessions and asked that I write a poem with elements and references to God since she considered herself to be a strong believer. Her assignment for the following week was to write about her thoughts from this “creative” session and to make note of any negative thoughts which may have come to mind.

The following poem was written at the request of my client who was experiencing issues related to the death of a close loved one.

Trusting God to Let Go

The greatest gift that God has given is that of love.
It comes in many forms and times in our lives, and yes…… it is beautiful.
When God has chosen you above all to enter into the life of his loved one, it is a great honor.

Your presence brings joy, peace, and happiness to a sometimes broken heart and it is because of that, your bond is unbroken.

In life, as in nature, things rest and then blossom into something so beautiful that you know that it is so because of God’s love; and it is this metamorphosis which is the guide to so much more.

Life is created and then given in love, nurtured in faith, and let go in the trust of God.

The bond will remain unbroken…………………..

By: Alicia Howard

1 comment:

Mrs. Balance said...


I loved your list of exercises! They all seem doable and don't require that I get a babysitter or a gym membership. I can't wait to read your new posts.

Sennait from Berwyn Heights, Maryland